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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Final 11 tool Post

1. My favorite tool is Digital Storytelling because it involves the use of a lot of technology such as pictures, music, text, voice and kids can really make their own story to use in writing. The idea that I have is using digital cameras, the students at the beginning of the year can start taking and saving their pictures or they can even bring pictures from home and scanned them at school, in order to collect special moments to help them make a memorable album. With a little description where they are on each picture and something unforgettable about that day, students might use the album as a reference to write different personal narratives. Each picture will be a story to tell. Having that as a photo story will add to their story lots more details, because they have the image right there.

2. I realized after reading all the information to complete this assignment that today's students are digital learners so we need to find out how to use more technology and apps in order to get more from them. It is very important to assist children to learn through technology, the only thing that really concerns me is time. As a teacher I really value the time because we are always wanting more time during the day to plan, to prepare classes, to grade papers, to talk to parents, to meet etc and technology requires a lot of that time that we do not have.

3. The unexpected outcome from this program was that even thought some of the tools were really hard and some of them made me cry, I was able to do it because I put a lot of effort on it. It was frustrating not to know more things about technology in some cases, I had to call some coworkers to help me but finally I found my way to do my best. I am very visual and I definitely do learn better if someone shows me how to do it, then I try it myself. With this experience I felt like when a child is thrown into the water without knowing how to swim, but the good thing is that I get out afloat and I did not sink.


  1. Maria-

    I'm so glad you didn't sink! Great accomplishment!

  2. You're so right -- students today are digital learners. It will help them so much to be able to use these tools to learn.

    You've done a wonderful job! Just think how ahead of the students you'll be this fall.
